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Hi this is Fabio, Professional male Masseur.
I welcome Men who want to reduce body's tensions and stress and let body and mind feel vibrant physical and emotional sensations, recharging of good energy.
The relaxing treatments, and in particular the sensory massage, include slow, sensual and enveloping maneuvers, which stimulate the sensory receptors of the body: the feeling of pleasure that comes with it, thanks to the production of endorphins, produces a state of well-being, calm and sensory satisfaction and finally a deep relaxation and a mental and physical satisfaction.

My massage techniques are based on Western and Eastern principles: respect for the needs of the Customer, the skills in different techniques and their interaction characterize the way I operate.
Treatment's duration is approximately one hour but you can decide to increase up to 90 minute sessions, to prolong the pleasure of massage.


I welcome Customers in my studio in Milan, east area.

Even if the demand for treatment sometimes comes from a desire of the moment, please try to book in advance: a denial is always unpleasant for those who receive it, but also for me, when I'm not able to agree to customers' requests, due to commitments already made.

For information and appointments: +39 345 6168335
(during treatments the phone is off, please leave a message and if you want I'll call you back).


The treatments do not have the character of health services but tend only to stimulate the vital resources of the individual, through methods and natural elements.

Fabio riceve a Milano zona est

Per informazioni e appuntamenti

tel. 345 6168335

(durante i trattamenti il cellulare rimane spento: inviate sms o what's app e se lo desiderate vi richiamo)

oppure mail:


English version


Fabio welcomes guests in Milan - east Area

For information and reservations

mob. +39 345 6168335

(during the treatments the phone is switched off, please send a text message or what's app and if you want I call you back)

or send a mail:


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